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Things you may or may not want to know about Thailand: 

*primarily a Buddhist country

they drive on the left hand side of the road

*shoes must be taken off before entering a home, business, -pretty much anywhere

*most men become monks at one point of their life

*many fast food restaurants

*motor bikes are used by everyone, everywhere

*street vendors are everywhere

*stray dogs and cats exist everywhere

*gaming is HUGE over here (internet cafes full almost everyday for gaming online)

*squatty potties are the way of life (um, haven’t conquered that one yet)

*a dryer is a rare commodity (you see clothes hung out to dry everywhere

*lots of rice (with every meal)

*they greet with a wai (two hands together in prayer formation up to chin and a slight bow)

….more to come

“You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free!”


Posted by Kari Stembel