
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Steve and Andrea, are the resident missionaries here. Their stories and their love for the Thai and Karen people is so amazing and it has been so encouraging to hear about the miracles God has done in their lives to bring them here, and to protect them. Its also amazing to hear how God has used them.  I praise God that he has brought them here because this nation is very dry and in need of God’s love. Only .05 % are Christian and you can feel it. Some of our team has been having nightmares that don’t usually and spirit of tiredness spread over all of us, right before we have ministry to do. Its been a struggle. I believe these are all attacks from the enemy.  Most missionaries don’t last more than 6 months before they give up, Steve and Andrea have told us.

The enemy is more visible here, not because Thai culture is less Godly than American culture but because they invite spirits because of their idolotrous practices. It is interesting. Even though Buddha spoke against idols, everyone here is very idolotrous and very superstitious. Every house in Thailand has a little house outside of it that is decorated. Thai Buddists believe that evil spirits will live there instead of their home. Because they fear those spirits they make sacrifices to them and offer things to them. What they don’t realize is that they are invited those spirits into their lives. It is so sad.

But as the Word says nothing can separate us from the love of Christ so we will fear no evil though God has brought us to this dark place. Our God is powerful and he is with us through all this. Steve and Andrea have led many to Christ, but it is a struggle for those Thai’s to remain in their walk because it is such a spiritually repressive place.

We have been brought here for a purpose but that purpose is not as visible as other mission trips. Steve and Andrea have been here for 10 years but the fruit did not come for a long time. This is a difficult place, but that doesn’t mean we should be here. It just means that it is a lot more difficult than a lot of our previous mission trips. We are excited though, because Steve has had  a vision of this nation becoming a kingdom for Christ. Who knows when that will be, but we believe and so we are here believing and serving. Amen.