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Thoughts & Inspiration

Written on Sunday (Sorry I forgot to post it)


Today as I get ready to go to church, I am rehearsing my song to sing in the choir. I am not a very gifted singer therefore; I don’t know why the Lord would have me love singing so much. However, I do. I use to wish that God would have blessed me with the gift of singing. So I could stand in front of a congregation, on a mountain top or in my room and beautifully sing praises, and worship my King through song. However, that is not the case for me, I sound acceptable when in a choir because I am more confident when my singing blends with all the striking voices and nobody can notice I’m quite tone deaf. But this morning, I am important. There are many parts of a choir, but only one choir. I am excited to be apart of the choir and add what I have so I can benefit our ministry. The other alto’s and I must stay on key, beat and in harmony with the soprano’s and tenors… so if I decide to not take my position and give my all to my role as an alto apart of Adoration (the choir’s name) then I am not doing my fellow alto’s and entire choir justice. The choir cannot be made up of all soloists, all altos, sopranos or tenors or else it would not be a choir and its significance and work could not be accomplished. My best friend, Crysta has the solo and she is just right for it. She is confident, has experience and definitely is in her element. I am glad she is has the lead role this morning in the choir and I am more then satisfied to blend with the alto’s right behind her.


          When working in a group, whether it’s a choir, youth group or even a group of friends, everyone has different roles. The Lord has given each individual personalized gifts and talents. In 1 Corinthians 12 Paul writes that there are different kinds of gifts and that these gifts are the work of one and the same Spirit, and he [the Lord] gives them to each one, just as he determines. When I stopped wishing I was an outstanding singer and accepted that I was just fine singing background in the choir I was happy because I know my strengths are elsewhere because that is what the Lord has determined for me. I am in my element and confident encouraging others, leading discussions, or teaching.  I think my understanding of my role in the choir is similar to my understanding of my role in God’s Kingdom. I was designed to serve and work for Christ in different ways then someone else. He has called each of his children to serve him in special ways and different roles are designed for different people based on the strong points the Lord has provided.


Singing with the choir has prepared me to be more then content with my role not being the leader I usually tend to be, but a contributor to the beautiful song we’re singing today. It allows me to take a step back, humble myself and realize that although the Lord loves my singing voice, Crysta is definitely right for the part and I am right to use my strong points in different areas of ministry. And in doing what the Lord has called me to do I am important in his eyes and important to his Kingdom. Verse 27 of 1 Corinthians 12 reads, “Now you are the body of Christ and each one of you is apart of it.” This is very encouraging to me because my preparation to sing this morning, has helped me realize that just as I am apart of a choir today, in Thailand I will also be apart of a group. In that group there will be many different strengths and weaknesses among us, and to know where I lack someone will make that up is comforting.  I am honored to be apart of the body of Christ and the gifts the Lord has given me deserved to be used for his glory. Who would have thought singing in the choir could be such an eye opener for me, or prepare me for ministry in ways I never imagined.