are several kind of “fasts” that we can practice. Many times the
intensity of the need will determine this. I hope to answer some basic
questions about the practice of fasting. Remember I am not an expert on
What kind of fast?
1) There is a limited fast.
A person limits their diet for a time as a part of seeking to do the
will of God. An example is found in Daniel 1:8-13, where Daniel and his
three friends asked for a limited diet in order to follow God’s law and
God’s will.
2) There is a standard fast. A person eats no food but does drink liquids. This is the most common fast in the Scriptures.
3) There is an absolute fast.
A person does not eat or drink for a period of time. Ester called for a
three-day fast of this kind. (4:1-17) A person normally cannot go
without liquids for more than three days.
Who should fast?
1) A personal fast. A fast done by an individual.
2) A partner fast.
A fast done in which two or more enter in. This could be a small group
or a leadership team (Acts 13:1-13), a congregation coming together in
a heart-to-heart seeking of the Lord (Ezra 8:21-23).
3) A community fast. A city tribe or nation in which all are called to fast as in Jonah 3.
When should a person or group fast?
There are no regular fast days commanded in the New Testament.
How is a fast to be done?
First of all, the heart attitude and motive must be right. Fasting is directed to the Lord not to people. (Matthew 6:16-18).
let the Lord lead you as to the timing and length of a fast. Remember,
it is the heart attitude. We cannot go on a “holy hunger strike” and
expect the Lord to “give in” to our desires.
Thirdly, there are some practical guidelines:
· Keep your focus on the Lord, trusting Him in the situation and need (Hebrews 11:6)
· Stay in the attitude of prayer throughout the day. Set aside segments of time for specific prayer. Pray often.
· Read
Scripture much during your time of prayer and fasting. Praying is as
much listening as talking. Record any insights you gain.
· Drink plenty of juices and/or water as you fast.
· For those on medication or who have been ill, be cautious and get an OK from your doctor.
· Some
are not able to fast because of a physical condition. They must have
regular meals. The Lord may lead you to “fast” from certain food, etc.
Remember, the important thing is the heart attitude not the calorie
· Sometimes,
there may be a little dizziness, headache, or nausea fromn not eating.
Do not be alarmed. Remember to drink extra liquids.
When it is all said and done, may we have the testimony of Daniel, “So I gave my attention to the Lord God to seek Him by prayer and supplications, with fasting” Daniel 9:30