
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Brittany, Breelyn and Caleigh, the most stunning girls in the world, are my wonderful sisters. They have unknowingly shaped my beliefs and inspire me daily to be a credible example of Christ. Without them my faith in God’s plan and His control would not be as it is today. They have given me inspiration to depend on Christ for their salvation… and constantly seek Him to lead me in showing them the love Christ has filled in my heart. 

Growing up unaware of the Gospel message and that Jesus held the truth of life, the last thing I want is for my sisters to do the same. Like the apostle Paul wrote in his letter to Rome, “But how can they call on Him to save them unless they believe in Him? And how can they believe in Him if they have never heard about Him? And how can they hear about Him unless someone tells them?” I want to be that someone. Not only have my sisters given me inspiration to tell and show them about Christ, they have unintentionally shaped my faith so that I desire be that ‘someone’ for anybody willing to listen.

It is by the trials that Brittany a 15 year old wild child has put me and my family through that shows me endurance and patience for the Lord’s perfect will to be done. It is with Breelyn, a 5 year old smarty pants where I learn how to speak the gospel in straightforward terms for her growing mind and curious heart. And lastly with precious Caleigh, a 4 year old treasure who gives encouragement by her hugs and when she says “Jesus loves the little children…” reminds me of simple truths, such as God is love and love knows no bounds.

I am beyond grateful for the influence and inspiration my sisters have given to me that has so powerfully benefited my faith and relationship with Christ. They have helped me become committed to the Gospel, bold for truth and hopeful for salvation. I think the ways my sisters have influenced me will benefit me on the mission field and throughout my life.



One response to “Someone Tell Them”

  1. Your relationship with your sisters sounds like a very special one. I too have younger sisters so I can relate to the special bond you have with them. Holly and Carly are my heart and inspire and challenge me more than they realize.