
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

First off, I am in love with my Savior, he has saved me and given me so much I
cannot even begin to describe. Secondly, I am a 20 year old student at the
University of Rhode Island. I grew up on Long Island in New York so the beach is
an essential part of my life, even in the winter I could spend hours sitting and
looking out at the beauty of the water. I’m majoring in psychology and hope to
go to graduate school for education and possibly teach in an inner-city area. I
am in love with missions and the amazing work that God can do through people, I
am been to Mexico twice for missions and want to continue doing the Lords work
for as long as I can.

2 responses to “Simone Grauer”

  1. Hey! I’m an education major and will be graduating in May and begin teaching in the fall. I too feel called to work with inner city kids. Although I love foreign missions, so far I feel that my permanent mission field is the inner cities of GA.

  2. hey! where are you from on long island? I’m gong to NYU and my bf is from long island!