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Preparation, to be honest this is not a word that goes through my mind often, whatsoever. I am the type of person that does homework, practices, studies, and hangs out with friends on the spur of the moment. This always seems to end in procrastination and for any college student procrastination could mean bad news. Amazingly I do not see my work suffer and I do not seem to get stressed out by my habits to let things go until last minute.


The most prepared and organized person that I know it my boss, Kim. She is an amazing woman of God and an incredible mother. I work for United Cerebral Pasly as a mother’s helper (hospice) back at home. Kim as a daughter, Stephie, that was in a car accident seven years ago. Stephie was in a coma for over a year and a half with major brain trauma to the left side. She was paralyzed on the right side of her body for more the two years and is bed bound, taking about twenty five medications a day, goes to about seven doctors appointments a month, unable to speak, and is fed through a feeding tube. For most families this is more than they can bare and they put their child in a nursing home, visiting when they can. This is unbelievable to me, and to Kim and Brad, Stephie’s step-father. They added on Stephie’s room with a handicapped acceptable bathroom and turned their basement into a therapy room. Kim and Brad are a middle class family with only one income coming in. Kim needed help so she got the word out and put together fundraisers and found volunteers and other means of help.


You can not understand how hectic Kim’s schedule is until you see it for yourself. Not only does she have doctors appointments, needs to schedule nurses and helpers, schedules Stephie’s schooling, has four types of therapy, readers, fights with the insurance company, make sure that everyone gets the right amount for their pay check, does talks with Stephy for what could happen when driving under the influence, organizes fundraisers, writing a book, etc., she is a mother of two other children. I honestly never see her rest. Yet she has the strongest spirit in the world. One incredible part to this is that she was not always an organized person. True, she was always doing something, like myself, but she did not have a schedule, she was not organized, she did not plan.


God has used Kim and Stephie in more than one way to a lot of people. Stephie is a true example of a miracle, and she is completely happy. It is hard for her to communicate, but she knows what is going on and what you are saying to her. Kim has looked to God to get herself and her daughter through this, and He has given her strength, hope, and courage.


Proverbs 3: 5-6 comes to my mind.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.”


Whatever your situation is, God will give you the tools to get through it. It may not be easy, you may not understand, but look to the Lord and He will guide you. Just surrender yourself, to Him and He will help. I know that it could be one of the hardest things to do, but after you surrender yourself to the Lord you know that everything will be alright and He will give you what is needed. It is like a huge weight that is lifted off and clarity comes.


Jonah 2: 7

“When my life was ebbing away, I remembered you, Lord, and my prayer rose to you, to your holy temple.”

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