There is a flood of emotions running through me as I prepare to leave my family tomorrow and meet the team of amazing people that will become my family for the next month. I’m incredibly encouraged by all my friends and family here. They have been such a blessing in preparing me and sending me off on this adventure. I am also nervous as I leave them all behind and step into a world that is so unlike my own. I’m one to cling to my comfort zone and this is a far cry from it. However, my God has filled me with a peace that makes all of this ok. I cling to His promises and all is well. He has promised to use me, as well as my teammates, to reach out to the people in Thailand. Although I’m not quite sure exactly what that will look like yet, I know that He has big plans for us. So, as I go to sleep in my own bed for the last time in a while, I remember these words.
“Here is my servant, whom I uphold, my chosen one in whom I delight; I will put my Spirit on him and he will bring justice to the nations. In faithfulness he will bring forth justice; he will not falter or be discouraged till he establishes justice on earth. In his law the islands will put their hope. I, the Lord, have called you in righteousness; I will take hold of your hand. I will keep you and will make you to be a convenant for the people and a light for the Gentiles, to open eyes that are blind, to free captives from prison and to release from the dungeon those who sit in darkness.” Isaiah 42:1-7
I’m praying for you everyday. You are a true inspiration to me, and I can’t wait to hear about all of the incredible things you are doing to further God’s Kingdom. I know that all of your friends and family miss you terribly, but that will never meassure up to the amazing things God is preparing you for. I love you and will see you soon 🙂
Like most of us here, I too am praying for you. You are given the chance of a lifetime not only to visit a place that most of us will never get to go but also to be there to further His kingdom. I know that God is gonna use you in an amazing way that none of us can even imagine. Just know that we are all thinking about ya and miss you and can’t wait to hear some of the amazing things that are gonna happen to and through you in the next few weeks. stay safe 😀
We are so anxious to hear from yall. Everyone is praying that you have had a safe and successful trip and are just too busy to update. I know that God is at work in all that you are doing and he will continue to provide us with the peace and comfort we need as we wait to hear. We love you and miss you so much.
LINDSEY, I love you so much and am so very proud of you. It was so good to finally hear from you. You are such a wonder, and I will certainly continue to pray for you. I wish you the best of luck in all you do. You are truly being used by the Lord in such amazing ways. God is so good to all of us, and I know I don’t deserve all He does. May God continue to use you in His amazing ways. Looking forward to hearing everything. LOVE
Lindsey, I miss you so much I can’t wait for you to come home. I miss your beautiful smile and your kind and tight hugs. I am so happy that i am related to you. I miss you since I don’t get to see you much and haven’t because you USED to go to college. I am happy for you to be finished with college and I hope you make the right decisions.
Love ya,
Lindsey, I am so glad to have you as my cousin I always enjoy your smile and your loving hugs. I miss you dearly and will be praying for you. I can’t wait for you to get back so I can hear all the exciting stories.
Love, Cameron