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Thoughts & Inspiration

As I am rounding third and preparing for that final last stretch to home I realize that I have no idea what I am going to do when I get there. With one last year of school left I have to begin preparing for a life outside the shelter of a University. As a psychology major who wants to do nothing in that field, I am trying to listen to where God is leading me. Should I continue on to graduate school? Should I attempt to pursue missions? Or should I search for a career right after graduation? I have been trying to answer these questions for some time now and have come to realize that they are not mine to answer.


For me, preparing for life is learning to listen to what God has planned for me, not what I have planned for me. This is a difficult process for me because I am so adjusted to trying to figure things out on my own… perhaps this is why I have had so much trouble with decision making in the past. I have always tried to pick things apart on my own instead of understanding that it is all in God’s hands and he will not lead me astray. I am finally coming to terms with the scripture “not my will, but yours be done”.  


 Though the idea of relying on God’s plan for us can be scary we are reminded in Proverbs to “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight”. God is not going to lead us in the wrong direction, and if we put our faith in him and him alone we will find the path that he has set out for us. We are reminded not to rely on ourselves and search for our own wants but instead to lean on God for our answers.


Throughout the coming year, I am preparing for a life of whatever God lays in front of me. I am trying my hardest to see where he is leading me, and I know that eventually I will end up in the right place, even if it takes a couple of wrong turns. My faith in his plan for me is the only thing that is going to help to prepare for the future, and I am beginning to find comfort in that.