I believe missionaries do not have to go on “mission trips” to do missionary work. This past school-year I decided to go to college with a missionary mindset after debating between pursuing an education in college and going out into the world to do missionary work. Acts 1:8 says “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” College would be my Jerusalem. When I came to college I was disappointed at the lack of challenge it
was for me to take care of myself and study hard for classes at first.
I had already developed these skills during high school life at home.
Before half of the first semester was over, I grew appreciative of that
lack of challenge because I was able to devote my time toward college
ministries. Everyday except Wednesday I found myself at either Bible
study group, prayer meetings, large group fellowships, church and
related activities. Although it was great being fed spiritually, I
desired the opportunity to give back and serve the church. It was then
I decided to put to action the missionary mindset aspect of living a
life in college.
More and more my conversations became intentional and I planted seeds
when I talked to my peers. I did not directly go about telling everyone
I met what my beliefs were but instead let God guide the conversations.
It wasn’t difficult to tell people that I was involved in ministries in
hope of talking about how significant of a role God has played in my
life on the condition that the other person initiated that deeper level
of conversation. During meetings with Brothers and Sisters In Christ
(BASIC), we prayed for our friends who didn’t know God.
Recently I have seen some fruit from these intentional conversations
and a ton of prayer. This past semester I have made new friends and God
has convicted some of them to become new believers. I can never get
over how amazing God is and the myriad of ways He works!
Yesterday in church my pastor spoke on Acts 1:8, it is such an encouranging verse!