we begin week three of our Listening Prayer Bible Study I would like to
ask everyone to take the time to post your thoughts as you work through
the assignments. It is so helpful to all of us to get everyone on the
teams perspective. I realize how busy everyone is but the rewards of
spending time in this study will pay huge rewards when you get to
training camp and out on the field.
Listening Prayer Bible Study Part 3
I think we are afraid to pray because we think we are going to do it
wrong, say the wrong words, someone is going to criticize how we pray.
But prayer is one of those things that you just can’t do wrong (well
unless your praying to the wrong person, then you’re doing it really
wrong). As Christians we are afraid to pray out loud, why? Are we
afraid to talk to people? (I hope not). When I’m having a problem I
want to share it, get it off my chest, let someone bare the load with
me. Isn’t that exactly what prayer is?
what is the problem? Maybe we don’t feel like we are getting the
answers from God like we should. Or maybe we feel inadequate. It helps
me to just consider prayer as talking to my dad/best friend. I think
dad in the way I respect him, but I think best friend in the way I talk
to him. I don’t have to worry about God judging me. Besides he already
knows what we did, so why should we be afraid to tell him?
here are some suggestions to give you guidelines to how you should
pray. This is not the end all answer, and it might not work for
everyone but give it a shot. If it doesn’t work, try something else! I
don’t like to be told how to pray. I know that sometimes you need some
things and sometimes you need others. Personally, having guidelines
doesn’t help me because I get too caught up in the rules (which they are not) and can’t really reach a personal point.
Ÿ Initiate your conversation with questions.
Ÿ “For
the shepherds are stupid and do not inquire of the Lord; therefore they
have not prospered, and all their flock is scattered.” Jeremiah 10:21
Ÿ Expect a response and wait for it.
Ÿ “This is God’s Message, the God who made earth, made it livable and lasting, known everywhere as God:
‘Call to me and I will answer you. I’ll tell you marvelous and wondrous
things that you could never figure out on your own.'” Jeremiah 33:2-3
The Message
Ÿ Do Not interrupt or allow distractions
Ÿ ” Be still and know that I am God” Psalms 46:10
Ÿ Express your affection
Ÿ “I bless God every chance I get; my lungs expand with his praise.
I live and breathe God; if things aren’t going well, hear this and be happy” Psalms 31:1-2
Ÿ Be honest
Ÿ Repent, tell God what you want to say, don’t worry about the words.
There is a thing that goes:
P- Praise
R- Repent
A- Ask
Y- Yield
Praise- expressing your adoration, worshiping God, thanking God
Repent- Asking forgiveness for sins
Ask- asking for other things for yourself and others
Yield- Listening for God’s voice
take some time in the next couple of days. Spend some time listening
for God’s voice. I hear best when I’m not in my normal environment, I
go out in nature or to a coffee shop and have my bible and journal and
just spend some time with the Lord. I suggest doing it at a time when
you don’t have to worry about being somewhere soon.
on a passage of scripture: Maybe one of the scriptures above speaks to
you, or there is a favorite passage or just a random passage.
Take some time and follow the steps above. Comment back to this study about what you have learned/what scripture you used.
This Bible Study was written by Emily Halls using excerpts from the book “The Art of Listening Prayer” by Seth Barnes.