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When I think of preparation in terms of
my own life I’m aware of something thats a little surprising to me. I
look at my life as a constant preparation. I am always preparing for
one thing or another. Sometimes it overlaps and smaller goals are
engulfed in larger more important preparations. Most of the things I
prepare for are dependent on the completion of another.

I realize this might not be true for
everyone and that can be both healthy or unhealthy. Some people, who
are rarely in the process of preparation are too complacent, not
preparing often means not growing. Yet I find there is something for
me to learn from those who don’t see their lives as one continuous
mass of preparation criss crossing and overlapping, but rather as
something to be enjoyed in the moment, everything in it’s time:not as
what it will be but as what it is.

I’m a compulsive longterm planner. I
look years into the future for school, work and travel, mapping
things out trying to make my path more direct. Sometimes I lose sight
of the present and the value there is in the quiet moment. I want to
take advantage of every moment, not just as a journey to the next but
as it’s own value. People like me are goal oriented and don’t focus
on the process but in getting the accomplishments behind and finished
with. For me, and many my age, college is the primary activity of
life. I wouldn’t be in the courses I’m in if I wasn’t expecting to
graduate. But these classes are not just going to be check marks on
my list of requirements before graduating. I won’t let them be.
Instead I want to sit in each class learning what God has placed me
to learn and being an ambassador for Christ. These are precious days
of my life, singularly free and full of changes. In a few years I
won’t have the opportunities I have now and I don’t want to look back
and wish I hadn’t just rushed through focused on one future goal.
Even though I second guess my decisions and am constantly faced with
uncertainty I can enjoy life rather than getting stressed. There is
added opportunity to trust God and rest in his peace when money is
low, or when I feel like every decision will have huge effects, or I
feel the weight of responsibility.

The Bible talks about preparation and
the preparedness for Christ and his coming. We are to be always ready
and prepared. I remember when I first heard the parable of the ten
virgins. Five brought enough oil for their lamp to burn until the
groom came. The other five had to go and buy some more at the last
minute, missing the groom. This used to make me afraid. But then in
the next verses Jesus talks about the servants given the talents.
What was important was what they did with what they were given. I am
given time and people to learn from, health, comfort, a desire to
learn. These things are on lend to me and I must seek to make the
most of them in Christs glory and under his care.

The preparation for Christ is
inherently different than the preparation for say graduating college.
When one prepares for the meeting of Christ the preparation for all
other earthly things is transformed. When I think of preparing to
meet my maker there is no rushing, no hurrying but rather I’m made
aware of my need to slow down and listen, listen for Christ in my
little sister or my teacher, wherever he may be. All the peripheral
matters that I hope are relevant to my preparation for Christ are
greatly furthered by a reordering of my priorities. In light of each
daily activity being a step toward eternity or even better, as a step
in my eternity with Christ, every activity is completely different,
infinitely more important.

So, I hope and pray that as I plan and
prepare my earthly life I consider the lifelong preparation for
Christ, as the bride of Christ, and strive toward a harmony that
glorifies Christ.