
Explore My News,
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The current interns and I have been very blessed recently to get the opportunity to go to Matamoros Mexico. There we will experience what it’s like to be an FYM at our base. We are shadowing them for a couple of days, and I believe Drive (our leader for this trip) and the interns are going to do our “own thing” to get more of a culture experience while out there in the field. We are leaving November 29th 2007 on a VERY long road trip down to Mexico. The first official stop on the road trip will be in Louisiana to camp out for the night at Sam Houston Jones State Park.  After a good night of rest we will be driving down to the Mexico boarder where we intend to meet our ride. We will be traveling into Mexico and going to Matamoros! I’m so excited to get to experience this trip. I am half Mexican and I’ve always been very proud of my heritage. I am just very happy to be going to the “homeland” if you will. I know right now that the people of Matamoros are in great need. A lot of the town rummages through the dump to find anything recyclable. This is how they make a profit, or their income comes from. We leave Matamoros December 6th 2007. We are off to New Orleans, where we will stay for 2 days. There we will be taking a tour around of the city and than checking out the local ministries.  By the grace of God we will be returning home December 8th 2007.