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Thoughts & Inspiration

The past few weeks have been pretty hectic for me. My commitment to school has demanded a large portion of my time and energy. This is by far my most difficult semester so far and finals run perilously close to Thursday. In fact, one was scheduled for Thursday but my teacher was charitable.
    Although I’ve been very blessed with support from friends and family I didn’t have enough raised before May 1st. Working extra time wasn’t exactly an option so I thought I’d have to go on credit. I was praying about this a lot but I felt as I was meant to just trust God and go ahead and write the check for money I didn’t really have. So I sent it and decided to let it go, there was no point in me worrying about it, it was in Gods hands. All my deadlines seem to be at the same time, requiring a concentration and time. I keep feeling that I’m not physically, spiritually of mentally prepared for this trip.
    On Sunday a friend came and gave me a check for $500. This is huge because I haven’t bought my ministry supplies yet. Yesterday my grandma gave me another check also of $500. This is one of the most obvious answers to prayer I’ve ever had. I’ve had so many that are apparent or that came over time but this was about two days later and overwhelming. This has encouraged me hugely.
    At the same time the things for me to get done before I leave are extensive. With school they can’t just be hurried and done. I have to put everything I can into this final paper, and my science final will really test my mental capacity. So budgeting my time is really important. I have a terrible habit of neglecting things just because I can. One thing that most often goes is a long quiet time. I still read the Bible but it’s a like a routine speed reading. I read it and say a quick prayer, hop up and go to school. When I’m home I want to spend time with my family and try to do homework. But this is really a challenge for me.
    Everytime I feel myself getting really uptight and stressed I have to willfully trust God that it’s going ot be alright. Just like with the money, I can’t do it all myself. I KNOW he’ll take care of me but sometimes I forget it. But Gods rest is so much sweeter when you’ve been in the trials of stress and worry, deadlines and low sleep. Sometimes it’s harder but I know that I’ll make it through. Sometimes I wish this rest was like me sleeping until it’s all over and waking up ready to go. BUt these trials are for a reason and if I go through them and trust God all the way I’ll learn a lot more than if I was spared.