This is your flight information. Be sure to pass this on to your parents
so they will be informed! If you have questions about luggage, please
contact your airline, because each airline is different in their
Airline | Flight Number | Date | Departing | Departure Time | Arriving | Arrival Time |
Northwest | 0466 | 19May2008 |
Atlanta | 12:05P | Detroit |
2:04P |
Northwest | 0011 | 19May2008 | Detroit | 3:30P |
Tokyo | 5:30P |
Northwest | 0027 | 20May2008 | Tokyo | 6:40P | Bangkok | 11:55P |
Northwest | 0028 | 14Jun2008 | Bangkok | 6:00A | San Francisco |
9:55A |
Northwest | 0272 | 14Jun2008 | San Francisco | 12:33P | Memphis | 6:30P |
Northwest | 0204 | 14Jun2008 | Memphis | 7:10P | Atlanta | 9:20P |