Last week during finals I had a sticky note attached to my laptop reading “Psalm 94:19- When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought joy to my soul.” Although finals are now over and the stress of school is behind me, I still keep this sticky note attached to my computer.
Stress and anxiety are frequent visitors (or should I say residents!?) in my life. It always seems as though there is simply too much to do and not enough time to do it. Even now, as I prepare for leaving for Thailand, I find myself being overwhelmed with details; there is so much I need to get done between now and next Thursday, plus I am trying to enjoy time with my family, as I do not have much time at home with them this summer.
I have always struggled with what it looks like to “give things up to the Lord.” I mean, I know we need to trust in Him, but we also need to do out part, right?! For example, I can’t just pray that the Lord will pack my bag and then sit around and wait for him to do it. I need to do my part as a human being on this Earth; I need to live, work, and yes, pack my own bags.
My challenge to myself this next week is to continually seek to discover the balance between trusting and doing. I need to give up my stress, worries, and fears to the Lord, and do what I need to do with a sense of peace and understanding that He will provide.
I have already seen Him at work so far the last few days. He has made each day feel very long and very full; I have been able to get many tasks accomplished as well as spend time with family and enjoy life!
So for now, and perhaps for a long time, I will leave that trust sticky note on my computer, and I might even need to add a second one to remind me”Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” John 14:27
It might sound strange but hearing your struggles is a huge encouragement to me. I’m having a similar problem. When I get stressed out I have this paranoia that everyones doing great and I’ll the only one unprepared. Thanks for posting this.
Praise God! I’m still doing finals plus I have to pack and still have so much to do to prepare for Thailand, and that verse will be on my heart. Thanks Renee! Can’t wait to see you!