Hi, my name is Caroline Frost. I grew up in Northern California with my three
sisters and a non-christian father and a Christian mother. While it can give the
house a difficult dynamic at times, it helped me grow deeper in my desire to
know Christ, and to experience him personally because it was always very clearly
my choice whether to follow him or not. It also gave me a heart for the lost and
an understanding of what life feels like without Christ. I was home-schooled
through 6th grade (because of the poor education of public schools around us,
not for religious reasons) and went to private school in 7th grade when my Dad
had more money. By high school I started public school, and now I study at New
York University. (No I have not seen the Olsen Twins, I think they dropped out.)
I am really into cultures and languages. I am designing my own major called
“International Social Change” and I am taking classes from the History,
Politics, Public Policy, Language and Communications departments at NYU. I love
to learn new things, and I always ask a lot of questions. God gave me a heart
for international missions my sophomore year of high school when I traveled to
an orphanage in Mexico for my Thanksgiving break, and the following two spring
breaks when I lead a team in building houses in a slum in Tijuana. I’ve been
continuing to reach out to non-believers at NYU with Campus Crusade for Christ
and last spring break I went to London with CCC to talk to English college
students about the gospel.